Party Enrolled
In: Democratic Party
Assistant Vice President for Legal Affairs at St.
Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, NY
Occupational Background:
Assistant District Attorney, Manhattan D.A.’s Office;
Summer Associate, Atlanta Legal Aid
Educational Background:
City University of New York School of Law at Queens
College; International Exchange Program, University
of Havana, Cuba; Howard University, Washington,
Affiliations: Board of Trustees, Christ Church,
Bronx, NY; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc;. NAACP,
Bronx Branch
Prior Public Experience:
Volunteer: Councilman Foster’s District Office,
Rev. Jesse Jackson Campaign, President Bill Clinton’s
Campaign, Hon. Charles Schumer’s Campaign, Vice
President Al Gore’s Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s
Campaign; Mentoring and Tutoring of Teen Parents
The District is desperately
in need of experienced and committed teachers. In
an effort to attract these educators to the District,
some form of compensation, similar to that in the
surrounding suburbs, would need to be provided.
Parental involvement in the educational lives of
our children must be emphasized. Involvement with
the PTA and participation with the local school
boards could be a starting point. Working together,
parents, teachers, administrators and elected officials
can make a significant difference in the type of
education our children obtain. I would advocate
for a benefit package equivalent to that which teachers
in public schools outside NYC receive.
The revitalization of housing in Bronx County must
be ongoing with the building of affordable two and
three family housing, and effectively refurbishing
affordable apartment dwellings. I would continue
to vote for the building of affordable housing throughout
the District.
The community and the police must work together.
There must continue to be a community approach to
policing in the District that will bring residents
into an intimately familiar relationship with the
police precincts. Together we must make our community
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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