The Bronx is a borough of 61 neighborhoods.
I believe every neighborhood must have good schools,
clean parks, safe streets in terms of crime and
traffic, and be a safe place to live and raise
a family. In the last four years, as a member
of the NYC Council, I have worked to secure over
$35 million with Council colleagues for the entire
Bronx; and delivered nearly $20 million for programs
and capital projects for the West Bronx.
I have lead the charge to redevelop the Kingsbridge
Armory; created the Graffiti-Free Bronx
program; pushed for a return to community policing;
fought to protect the Bronx from additional polluting
waste transfers stations; created the Swim-to-Safety
Program; established Asthma Awareness Day;
fought to save jobs for youth against City and
State budget cuts; and worked with the City Council
to protect low-income senior citizens from rent
As a former public school teacher, I believe that
education is the most important investment that
any society can make to assure its future. As
a father of four children, and as a husband to
Linda Baldwin a Bronx attorney, all of who live,
work, and go to public school in the Bronx, I
believe in our Borough. I look forward to working
with each and every Bronxite in seeing that The
Bronx continues to be one of our City’s most attractive
boroughs. I will work in the footsteps of Fernando
Ferrer and continue to work with all elected officials
to build upon our successes. I ask for your vote
so we can continue to make the Bronx a shining
example of success.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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