Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
Full-time Council Member, 11th District; Chairwoman,
Committee on Land Use; Member, Finance, Public Safety,
Transportation (former Chair) and Rules Committees.
Occupational Background:
Council Member, 1979 to present; Community Liaison
and District Service Cabinet Coordinator, Mayor’s
Office of Neighborhood Government.
Educational Background:
University of Miami.
Affiliations: Past Chair and present member,
Advisory Council, National League of Cities and
present Liaison to its Transportation and Infrastructure
Prior Public Experience:
Chairperson, Community Board 8; Board Member: P.S.
81; PA; League of Women Voters; City Club; Neighborhood
House; Francis Schervier Nursing Home; Hebrew Home
for Aged.
As a full-time City
Councilmember for the past 22 years, June Eisland
understands the importance of working together for
positive change.
Throughout her career, she secured money to renovate
and build schools, and buy books and computers.
As Bronx Borough President, Eisland will lead the
battle for fair funding for Bronx schools.
She fought to increase neighborhood policing, initiated
a state-of-the-art auto theft prosecution program,
sponsored gunlock legislation and helped pass the
ATM safety law.
Eisland brought millions of dollars into our neighborhoods
for parks, libraries, cultural institutions, senior
and youth programs and the Police Department. She
fought for dedicated funds for cleaner streets and
graffiti-free buildings.
As Borough President, she will bring this type of
leadership to make our streets, neighborhoods and
schools safer.
Eisland was the first City official to start the
fight against double fares for buses and subways,
and to develop an automated fare card.
She sponsored a bill to extend rent stabilization
and rent control laws, and was one of the earliest
sponsors of the SCRIE legislation that exempts seniors
from rent increases, and a sponsor of the Senior
Citizens Homeowners Exemption (SCHE). Author of
the Fair Co-op Law, Eisland supports equalization
of property taxes for co-op and condo owners.
As Borough President, Eisland will continue to support
the rights of Mitchell Lama residents, and work
to create more affordable housing for Bronx residents.
She is married to Paul Eisland; they have three
adult children and three grandchildren.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC
Campaign Finance Program.
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