Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
City Councilmember
Occupational Background:
Nonprofit Health Advocacy, Private Enterprise
Educational Background:
New School for Social Research
Affiliations: Riverside Church; WBGO-FM
Prior Public Experience:
City Councilmember, District Leader
Over the past three
and a half years I have been privileged to
represent the people of the 8th council district.
During this time I have fought successfully to reduce
overcrowding in our schools, put new computers in
the classrooms, restore several parks and playgrounds
and three libraries in the district. Since 1998
over 1600 units of affordable housing have opened,
including housing for seniors and people with AIDS.
Our commercial streets are cleaner and safer and
there are many new stores.
In the Council I’m proud to have sponsored and passed
legislation guaranteeing domestic partnership benefits,
and rent protection, as well as legislation that
helps protect victims of domestic violence. I have
fought to stop the bombing of Vieques and to protect
the environment. Perhaps most importantly I have
worked to improve police community relations. I
went to jail to protest the killing of Amadou Diallo
and I serve on the public safety committee overseeing
the police, where I helped draft the Blueprint for
Reform to improve police training and recruitment.
As a member of the health committee I have brought
needed improvements to local health clinics and
provided significant funding for asthma programs
to protect our children and families.
Finally, my district office has been very successful
in solving problems for thousands of constituents.
My office is committed to helping people of all
backgrounds, Latino, black, white, Asian, seniors,
young people, and the gay and lesbian community.
I would like to have your support in the September
Democratic Primary. Thank you.
I have been endorsed by Bronx Borough President
Fernando Ferrer; Former Mayor David Dinkins and
Ruth Messinger; State Comptroller H. Carl McCall;
Representatives Charles Rangel, Carolyn Maloney,
Edolphus Towns, Jerold Nadler; State Senators Olga
Mendez, Eric Schneiderman, David Patterson; Assemblymembers
Ed Sullivan, Carmen Arroyo; Councilmembers Bill
Perkins, Margarita Lopez, Ronnie Eldridge; SEIU/1199,
Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats (GLID), ACORN,
Empire State Pride Agenda, and the Working Families
Real Leadership. Real
Experience. Real Results.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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