Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Occupational Background:
Partner, Goldberg & Cohn LLP; Counsel to Assemblyman,
NYS Assembly; Counsel/Aide, NYC Council.
Educational Background:
B.A., NYU; J.D., Brooklyn Law; L.L.M., NYU Law.
Affiliations: Numerous
Prior Public Experience:
State Committeeman 50th A.D.; Vice-Chair NYS Democratic
On May 1st Steve Cohn received the State
Bar Associations’ Pro-Bono Service Award in recognition
of his many years of providing free legal assistance
to individuals and organizations, “raising
awareness about legal problems which confront
the indigent and helping to garner support for
the good work of the Volunteer Lawyers Project,”
on whose board he serves.
Steve Cohn has worked in the courtrooms and the
streets as a lawyer, community activist and leader;
neighbor and concerned citizen to make our communities
Steve worked to save the B-51 bus and G-Line,
to improve safety and hire additional police and
to close down smoke shops and a topless bar. He
opposed construction of a garbage incinerator
in the Navy Yard, forced Mobil Oil to clean up
its spill in Greenpoint, was a volunteer lawyer
in the lawsuit to control waste transfer stations
and to protect the Prospect Park Parade Grounds;
and is fighting proposed power generators.
His years of legislative experience include serving
as a counsel to several State Assembly members,
and as a counsel/aide to Council Member Ken Fisher.
He has served as President of the Brooklyn Heights
B’nai Brith and as a Commissioner on the State
Bar Commission on Legal Services for the Middle
Income. A former President of the Brooklyn Bar
Association, he is a member of the Long Island
College Hospital’s Board of Regents; and as a
State Committeeman helped nominate and elect Carl
McCall, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and
Eliot Spitzer.
Steve believes in affordable child care and housing,
good education for all, health and retirement
security, gun control, job creation; and regard
for the environment, parks and waterfront.
With a record of achievements and hard work, Steve
Cohn has the governmental and political experience
to be an effective Councilman from day one.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in
the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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