Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
Democratic District Leader, Reverend, NYC Police
Occupational Background:
69th precinct Street Gang Specialist Youth Officer,
Police Academy Instructor, NYC Corrections Officer
Educational Background:
P.S. 161, J.H.S. 220, Samuel J. Tilden H.S., Pace
University, B.A.
Affiliations: Kings County Democratic Executive
Committee, NAACP, Metropolitan Ministers Coalition,
Chairman of “LOVE YOURSELF” Stop the Violence
Prior Public Experience:
Community Activist; annual Stop the Violence march
organizer and other violence prevention programs;
stopped the sale of look alike toy guns; campaigned
on radio and television against police brutality,
racial profiling and violent and sexually explicit
videos and songs when children are watching and
I was born, raised,
educated and still reside in the 35th Councilmanic
District. I am 39 years old and I have faithfully
served my community as Democratic District Leader,
Reverend, Community Activist and NYC police officer.
I have devoted my life to lowering crime and making
our neighborhoods better and safer places to live.
As Councilman I will provide better healthcare services,
improved safety, quality education, jobs, affordable
housing, city residency for police officers and
firefighters, AIDS awareness, immigration rights
and pet owner rights. I will implement initiatives
for daycare, safer schools, smaller classrooms equipped
with Internet accessible computers and larger drug-free
I will reduce property owner utility bills and taxes
and protect tenants’ rights. I will provide free
prescription drugs, modern centers for senior citizens
and state-of-the art youth recreational and learning
centers. I will implement economic empowerment initiatives
including pay raises for civil service employees
and better paying jobs in the private sector. I
will create adult literacy programs, computer courses
and parenting skill workshops.
I will provide enhanced bus and subway services
and champion environmental causes including more
funding for our public Parks and Recreational facilities.
I will provide increased community policing where
needed, neighborhood beautification and a better
quality of life for all.
As a Democratic District Leader, Reverend, Community
Activist and NYC Police Officer, I have a proven
record and am by far the MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE
to bring millions of dollars worth of resources
and services to our community and lead us into peace
and prosperity.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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