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After the election, your campaign’s relationship with the CFB continues through the completion of your post-election audit. All campaigns are subject to a post-election audit of their reporting and recordkeeping, regardless of participation in the Campaign Finance Program.

Audit Process

The post-election audit process is completed when the CFB issues your Final Audit Report or notifies you of potential penalties and/or public funds repayment obligations. This process requires regular communication between your campaign and the CFB.

Bank Balance and Fundraising

Review this page for specific compliance requirements regarding post-election fundraising and your campaign's remaining bank balance.

Post-Election Information

Learn about the requirements and best practices in winding down your campaign promptly and efficiently. These resources can help you ensure compliance throughout the post-election period.

Transition and Inauguration Entities (TIEs)

Newly elected candidates who wish to raise or spend funds for their transition and/or inauguration into office must create and register a TIE with the CFB before commencing any financial activity.