When elected, I will...
- fight for improved school
facilities, smaller classes, the hiring of caring,
qualified teachers, and involvement of more
parents, so that our children who attend public
schools can receive the best education.
- fight for affordable and
decent housing; for improved sanitation services;
and for quality healthcare, particularly for
our seniors and young.
- be accessible to my constituents.
- provide vital information
on City government, opportunities, and benefits
to our community.
- fight to bring more of the
resources of the City Council into our community.
- provide unparalleled assistance
and support to immigrants.
- work to find solutions to
the pervasive crime situation in our community,
and to improving relations between our community
and the police.
- create a technology and
cultural center, and support existing programs
for our youth.
- strengthen businesses by
introducing initiatives that will increase community
- promote computer literacy
and community Internet access centers.
- be accountable to residents.
- work tirelessly to ensure
that the needs of the community in the 45th
District are met.
“Sam TAITT’s leadership will energize and
motivate our residents to vote. Sam TAITT will
place needs of the people in the 45th District
first, and he will use his experience and skills
to provide real solutions to the real problems
facing our community” - Friends of Sam Taitt.
Call 718-451-0157 to join us; or visit our website
at www.samtaitt.com
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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